
Cookie允許數據跨請求持久化。在PHP中,可以通過 $_COOKIE 變量訪問它們。Yii 中表示 cookie 作爲 yii\web\Cookie 類的一個對象。在本章中,我們描述了讀取 cookie 的方法。

第1步- 在 SiteController 創建一個動作 actionReadCookies()方法。

public function actionReadCookies() {
// get cookies from the "request" component
$cookies = Yii::$app->request->cookies;
// get the "language" cookie value
// if the cookie does not exist, return "Py" as the default value
$language = $cookies->getValue('language', 'Py');
// an alternative way of getting the "language" cookie value
if (($cookie = $cookies->get('language')) !== null) {
$language = $cookie->value;
// you may also use $cookies like an array
if (isset($cookies['language'])) {
$language = $cookies['language']->value;
// check if there is a "language" cookie
if ($cookies->has('language')) echo "Current language: $language";

第2步 - 在 SiteController 創建一個名爲動作 actionSendCookies ()方法用於發送 cookie 到客戶端。

public function actionSendCookies() {
// get cookies from the "response" component
$cookies = Yii::$app->response->cookies;
// add a new cookie to the response to be sent
$cookies->add(new \yii\web\Cookie([
'name' => 'language',
'value' => 'Chinese',
$cookies->add(new \yii\web\Cookie([
'name' => 'username',
'value' => 'Hippo',
$cookies->add(new \yii\web\Cookie([
'name' => 'country',
'value' => 'China',

 第3步 - 現在,打開  http://localhost:8080/index.php?r=site/send-cookies, 你會發現 cookies 已經保存在瀏覽器內。


在Yii中默認情況下,cookie驗證已啓用。它保護 cookies 在客戶端被別人修改。在 config/web.php 文件使用哈希字符串簽名每個 cookie。

'basic', 'basePath' => dirname(\_\_DIR\_\_), 'bootstrap' => \['log'\], 'components' => \[ **'request' => \[ // !!! insert a secret key in the following (if it is empty) - this is //required by cookie validation 'cookieValidationKey' => 'ywfdsa7829347898fLXfsCfdKjfO-fss0', \],** 'cache' => \[ 'class' => 'yii\\caching\\FileCache', \], 'user' => \[ 'identityClass' => 'app\\models\\User', 'enableAutoLogin' => true, \], 'errorHandler' => \[ 'errorAction' => 'site/error', \], 'mailer' => \[ 'class' => 'yii\\swiftmailer\\Mailer', // send all mails to a file by default. You have to set // 'useFileTransport' to false and configure a transport // for the mailer to send real emails. 'useFileTransport' => true, \], 'log' => \[ 'traceLevel' => YII\_DEBUG ? 3 : 0, 'targets' => \[ \[ 'class' => 'yii\\log\\FileTarget', 'levels' => \['error', 'warning'\], \], \], \], 'urlManager' => \[ //'showScriptName' => false, //'enablePrettyUrl' => true, //'enableStrictParsing' => true, //'suffix' => '/' \], 'db' => require(\_\_DIR\_\_ . '/db.php'), \], 'modules' => \[ 'admin' => \[ 'class' => 'app\\modules\\admin\\Admin', \], \], 'params' => $params, \]; if (YII\_ENV\_DEV) { // configuration adjustments for 'dev' environment $config\['bootstrap'\]\[\] = 'debug'; $config\['modules'\]\['debug'\] = \[ 'class' => 'yii\\debug\\Module', \]; $config\['bootstrap'\]\[\] = 'gii'; $config\['modules'\]\['gii'\] = \[ 'class' => 'yii\\gii\\Module', \]; } return $config; ?>

可以通過設置 yii\web\Request::$enableCookieValidation 屬性爲 false。